Elco Computers Customers…
Welcome to the Tech Support One Family !!!
Welcome! I’m glad you took the time to stop by this page. My goal is to give you a very brief introduction, as well as provide you with some specific information which will streamline the on-boarding process. I totally understand if you’re feeling a bit unsure right now, especially if you’ve never heard of Tech Support One. I’d like to assure you that our fundamental beliefs and mission are very similar to what you’ve come to know at Elco, and I am confident that we can continue to provide you with the level of service you need to keep things running smoothly. I believe the biggest difference you will notice with Tech Support One is the size of the team. A larger team with more locations generally allows us to provide more responsive service. We provide all manner of tech support services, as well as sales of related equipment. Take a minute to check out our Services Page and the About Us Page.
The Onboarding Process
On-boarding – I’d encourage you to reach out to us at your earliest convenience to say hi, and get your account information setup. Having an existing account will allow us to help you more quickly when you call in for service. Be prepared to provide your name and address, along with an email address. We’ll also want to know if you prefer to receive bills via email or regular mail. Additionally, now would be a good time to provide us with any information if there are certain contact individuals, or if services need to be authorized by a certain contact. Don’t be shy, feel free to ask any questions you have at this time as well.
It’s pretty simple really, if you’ve got a tech issue just give us a call. Our office phone number is 800-835-9502, and that is the best way to reach us. We try to hop on a remote session immediately to take a look at your issue; or if it can’t be addressed remotely, we’ll set up a time to stop by and take a look. That’s all there is to it, we function solely on a time and material basis, so you’re always only paying for what you get. Next time you have an issue, just give us a call again.
Managed Services
Tech Support One will be taking over the various managed services provided by Elco. If you have managed services such as Office 365, Managed Security, Phone Service, etc we will be reaching out to notify you of the transition, and discuss any changes that will be forthcoming.
Our business hours
Monday - Friday 8AM - 5PM EST
Our Labor Rate is $120/Hr, minimum charge $30.00
24/7 Emergency service is available
Emergency Rate is $240/Hr, minimum charge is $120